Lawn Weed Control and Disease Control

If you want the envied lawn in the neighborhood, you must consider nothing less than our weed preventers and post emergent controls. We strive to keep the weeds from ever even appearing through our eco-friendly biological controls and treatments. If weeds ever do appear, then we can wipe them out fast, using a safe treatment that acts within hours to provide a total kill of just the weeds, never harming your precious lawn. From the simple pesky dandelion to the tough to kill nut sedge, we have something to tackle all of your issues.

You may also spot rapidly spreading brown spots on your lawn in late spring through mid summer. These spots are often a turfgrass disease or fungus that begins to kill the lawn due to heat, humidity, and long periods of wet grass. Whether you see brown patch, which looks like a donut of dying grass, or Pythium blight, which looks like spilt milk often running down hill, these common diseases will rapidly spread and kill your Tall Fescue lawn. Additionally, Bermuda lawns in the late Fall may need to be treated for Spring Dead Spot, which is a disease that kills the lawn in spots and is only noticeable when the lawn begins to green up again after winter dormancy. Trust our proven steps to preventative disease control for a year-round healthy lawn.

Our education and certifications have set us apart by focusing on green initiatives through rigorous Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs targeted at minimal use of chemical treatments and healthy practices. We offer traditional and organic options as well as NO Emissions equipment to suit your needs. | Raleigh Lawn Care