Landscaping in Raleigh a Challenge with Weather – Landscaping and Lawn Care Raleigh

by / Thursday, 10 April 2014 / Published in News Updates

Welcome to Raleigh’s yet again, wacky weather patterns. This year landscaping and lawn care in Raleigh and the Triangle region in general is about a month off track. We have completed our first round of lawn mowings and the lawns have finally started to green up well,with slowly rising soil temperatures and a nice dose of pre-emergent fertilizers. Bermudagrass and Zoysia will soon follow green-up within another 2-3 weeks. Overall, this winter was pretty normal for North Carolina, we just haven’t see such a cold winter in over 5 years. As landscape professionals, this change in weather can be challenging in fighting off weeds, insects, and seeing landscape ornamental plants die due to harsh conditions. The best option for management is preventative landscaping measures following an IPM program or Integrated Pest Management. Following these guidelines, we can reduce the need for many pesticide treatments for weeds and insects that destroy your turf. Overall, we will just have to wait out the weather and be happy that spring has sprung!

On a side note, pollen has begun its fury, as of last week. We advise that if you plan on installing mulch or pine straw, to wait until the pollen has died down, in order to keep your property looking its best for the remainder of the season! Ask us how we can assist you in cleaning out landscaped beds and lawn or even have one of our trusted professionals to power wash your home.