Weed Control Update- Raleigh Landscaping and Lawn Care
Raleigh Weed Control Update for September 2014 – Raleigh Landscaping and lawn care This has been a tough year for weeds in the Raleigh area. Our weather has been so wet this year that we have worn off our lawn pre-emergents from the spring. This allows crabgrass and basically any seed that wants to germinate,
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Extended Winter Weather Keeps Blooms Delayed | Raleigh Lawn Care & Raleigh Landscaping Services
Extended Winter Weather Keeps Blooms Delayed | Raleigh Lawn Care & Raleigh Landscaping Services Extended winter weather keeps blooms delayed. For plants and grass, soil temperature is the deciding factor when they pop out of dormancy. Although this winter seems colder than the past several years, this winter is actually a very normal pattern for
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New Methods of Controlling Weeds During Seeding | Raleigh Aeration and Raleigh Landscaping
As if weeds and crabgrass haven’t been bad enough this year, the rain and heat have fostered them to continue to keep popping up. During aeration and seeding, you only want the new grass to grow, thus stopping other weed competition is key to early success. We offer one of few treatments to rid crabgrass and weeds
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Current Events with Lawn Care! Raleigh Aeration, Raleigh Landscaping and Raleigh Lawncare
By now you are probably getting irritated that your lawn has seen better days. Your pre-emergent weed controls have worn off and you see more and more weeds with all this crazy rain we’ve had this year. Our CCG team of turf professionals is here to spray your lawn free of weeds and crabgrass. In
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What’s up with Pre-Emergents? Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Pre-emergent in conjunction with fertilizer in the spring is probably the single most important application(s) of the year to your lawn. In fact, we actually apply it twice, once in late February and once in April because it is such a big deal to your lawn. The pre-emergent ingredient can consist of: (barricade, stonewall, dimension,
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Controlling Weeds In The Fall Can Be Difficult | Raleigh Lawn Care
Controlling weeds in the fall can be difficult, due to restrictions which may limit over-seeding of Tall Fescue Lawns. Spraying for weeds has a 1-3 week effect on seed germination. Once this waiting period wears off then you can seed in your lawn to achieve full coverage. Once the lawn is actively growing, after 3
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