Raleigh Landscaping November Update | Raleigh Lawn Care

by / Sunday, 04 November 2012 / Published in News Updates

Now is the time to focus on preparing your lawn for the winter. The leaves are starting to fall much heavier now as Raleigh, NC is seeing cold fronts continue to pass. Trimming bushes and limbing trees is the best option in reducing the amount of shade in your lawn, also allowing for more direct sunlight to hit your grass. Crepe Myrtles can also be trimmed and pruned way back to reduce their size, as some trees can grow up to a foot per year. We often see homes in the Triangle that are very overgrown with trees and bushes that look disportional, don’t wait too late as then it can be very costly to hire a tree professional or remove and replace old trees. Lastly, you can consider cutting back heavy wooded natural areas so the next year you won’t have as thick of woods, making homes more visible and potentially safer.

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