Trust the Turf Professionals to Keep it Greener on Your Side | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping We have the knowledge to keep your landscape looking its best. From lawn maintenance to installation, we can achieve your vision. Trust us to build you a new landscape and transform your property into a beautiful place to call home. We specialize in sod, we can convert your tired
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Summer Has Begun -> How to Impress with Your Landscape | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Now that Summer has officially begun, it is important to properly maintain your lawn and landscaping to withstand the summer heat. First, start off by watering your lawn deeply and infrequently. This mean you should water 3-5 times per week for 20-45 minutes in each zone to reach a good depth, so you train your
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June Specials | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Prevent turf disease with our Fungicide applications now only $60 <5,000 ft2. Aeration for warm-season lawns $60 <5,000ft2. Protect your investment with these lawn essential services! www.capitalcitygroundskeeping.com | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping Ryan Walsh, Founder & Owner Hi and thank you so much for visiting Capital City Groundskeeping. We’re a full service
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Improving Your Lawn Starts with Healthy Soil | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping Service
A proper fertilization program is essential to maintaining a healthy lawn. Our programs feed the lawn over the course of the year to provide consistent growth patterns and year-round healthy color. Applications of lime are also important in assuring to maintain proper soil pH and to add calcium and other beneficial macronutrients. The NC USDA
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Warm-Season Lawn Aeration | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping Service
June is the perfect time to aerate you Bermuda, Zoysia, or Centipede lawn. Aeration relieves soil compaction, allowing for increased air, water, and nutrients to infiltrate the root systems. As aeration improves soil conditions, turfgrass can develop better, deeper root systems which ultimately provide a healthier lawn! Protect your investment today and enjoy a summer
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Protect Your Turf! Raleigh Lawn Care & Raleigh Landscaping Service
The summer heat is kicking in along with the spread of turf diseases. The heat plus humidity and prolonged leaf moisture can cause nasty diseases to grow and spread rapidly, which can kill your lawn. One way to alleviate the issue is to mow at the proper mowing heights, irrigate in the early morning hours, and make sure blades
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