Core Aeration is Best This Time of Year | Raleigh Aeration, Raleigh Landscaping and Raleigh Lawncare
Core aeration is Best this time of year – Raleigh Aeration, Lawn care and landscaping When thinking about aerating your lawn, many people ask us about slit aeration. Slit aeration is usually performed with a tow behind attachment. In theory, it is good because it can generate moderate seed to soil contact, but in actuality
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Sampling is Free in NC | Raleigh Aeration, Raleigh Landscaping and Raleigh Lawn Care
North Carolina is one of the few states that provide free soil sampling to all residents. Now in August is a good time to have your soil tested to determine proper pH and nutrients levels. The sampling is administered through the NCDA&CS. Knowing your soil health is key to growing a healthy lawn and landscape
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Our Environment | Raleigh Aeration, Raleigh Landscaping and Raleigh Lawn Care
The CCG team maintains an integrated pest management program to reduce chemical use on lawns. We know this can sound like the dirty side to our business but we actually maintain a safer environment when it comes lawn care. Other than just ‘prescribing’ a chemical treatment to a lawn, we look at the root cause
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Fall Aeration is Approaching | Raleigh Aeration and Raleigh Landscaping
Fall Aeration is Approaching Aeration season is approaching, your lawn may still be looking decent after this year’s rain and cooler summer temperatures but aeration can fix your bad areas and improve your overall turf health. Aeration should be performed yearly in the fall, on cool season turf. Aeration decreases soil compaction, allowing roots to
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Local Is Better! Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Groundskeeping
At Capital City Groundskeeping, we are about building a relationship with our clients and performing the best work possible. We are locally owned and operated by certified turfgrass professionals. We do perform many lawn maintenance and landscaping services, yet we work directly with the client to establish goals to get the job done right fast
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We are here to help you help yourself! Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Let Capital City Groundskeeping save you time and money with our professional fertilization programs. We offer year long fertilization and lawn treatment options to keep your lawn looking its best while your neighbor fumbles with a rusty spreader on the weekends. We guarantee results as we are Certified Turfgrass Professionals. Raleigh lawn care may be
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