Spring is in the Air | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Don’t you just love the smell of freshly cut grass? Sign up today and receive 50% off your first mow! Mowing doesn’t have to be a chore with the Capital City crew, we are in and out of your property fast enough to miss us and long enough for every blade of grass to be
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CCG New Services | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
We strive to continually add new equipment and services to better manicure your landscape. Our newest addition includes extended reach pole saws to trim and limb our trees and over-grown bushes. We can reach longer than a clown on stilts, approximately 30 feet in some cases. Additionally, we have added Bed Edging to sharpen the
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What’s up with Pre-Emergents? Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Pre-emergent in conjunction with fertilizer in the spring is probably the single most important application(s) of the year to your lawn. In fact, we actually apply it twice, once in late February and once in April because it is such a big deal to your lawn. The pre-emergent ingredient can consist of: (barricade, stonewall, dimension,
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Cold Months Mean Staying Productive at CCG | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
It has been cold this January and we have seen great precipitation to start the year off right. However, we have also seen a dramatic increase in weeds popping up all over the Triangle. Not to worry, we are gearing up for our first application of Pre-emergent fertilizers which will prevent new weeds from coming
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Increasing Your Home Value | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
With Capital City Groundskeeping, you get more than just a lawn care company, you get a team of professionals willing to build a lasting relationship in protecting your investment, which could lead to an increase of your home’s value by 15 percent. So go ahead, let us trim back your trees, mow the lawn, fertilize,
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Specials Till’ Feb 15th | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
We are extending our pine straw special until Feb. 15th. Act now to receive Pine straw installation at 15% off! This offer only runs once per year and supplies are limited! Also receive $5 off each cubic yard of mulch on your installation job. Start the season off right with Capital City Groundskeeping – Professionals
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