The Key to Successful Core Aeration

Wednesday, 10 September 2014 by

Core Aeration Our Way!- Now is the time of year to perform core aeration to your cool-season lawn! Core aeration is the only no-till way to relieve soil compaction from your hardened clay, here in the piedmont region. As certified turfgrass professionals, we guarantee results with our core aeration technique as we provide multiple passes

Aeration in the fall is one of the most important services you can have done for your lawn. Tall Fescue lawns and other cool season lawns need to be renovated this time of year, between September and October, in order to relieve tough soil compaction with Raleigh’s clayey soils. Core aeration not only relieves soil

Pre-emergent in conjunction with fertilizer in the spring is probably the single most important application(s) of the year to your lawn. In fact, we actually apply it twice, once in late February and once in April because it is such a big deal to your lawn. The pre-emergent ingredient can consist of: (barricade, stonewall, dimension,