Freezing Weather Tips | Raleigh Lawn Care
When we see cold weather in the Triangle, I like to tell people to think of your lawn like a golf course, and not walk on the frozen grass. Preventing additional stresses can cause damage in the spring when your lawn is trying to green up. Also, when the grass is wet and dormant, you
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Winterize your Irrigation System! Raleigh Lawn Care
If you have not already done so, now is the time to winterize your irrigation systems to prevent pipe freezes and burst. We are seeing soil temperatures in the 40’s now and cold weather is creeping in fast, on our typical highs and lows temperature roller coaster that we experience here in Raleigh. We are
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Warm-Season Lawns going to Sleep | Raleigh Lawn Care
As the frost began this week, our Bermuda grass and Zoyzia grass is starting to turn dormant for the winter. With the beginning of the first frost, in combination with lowered soil temperatures, the crown of these grass plants is preparing itself for the 5-6 month rest. It is a good idea to make sure
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