Cool season grasses, Tall Fescue especially, have seen a rapid increase in brown patch and dollar spot disease over the past 2 weeks. This increase is attributed to the Triangle’s heat and humidity that has begun. It is always a good idea to spray a preventative fungicide one in each of the summer months for

Turf Diseases Continue

Wednesday, 25 July 2012 by

With the continuing fluctuation in high temperatures and humidity’s, we can still see a potential for a lot of damaging turf diseases, which will spread and possibly kill your lawn. Again, if you see any donut shaped rings or browning splatter marks on your lawn, please let us know so we can treat the diseases

Preventing Lawn Disease

Tuesday, 10 July 2012 by

Lawn Diseases are quickly spreading due to the humidity and heat! Act fast to have your lawn treated for Brown Patch and Pythium, as preventative control works much more effectively than once you already have an infestation. We offer 3 yearly treatments, each one month apart starting now in early June. Once an infestation of