August 2012 Rain Update- Raleigh Lawn care and Landscaping
Raleigh Lawn Care and Landscaping Professionals The Rains have been keeping the soils very moist throughout the Triangle this past week. Crabgrass and sedges are at their worst growing and spreading rapidly to make a freshly cut lawn look shaggy within 3-5 days. We are finishing our spraying routes so we can allow for the
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Bermuda & Zoysia Lawns
Bermuda and Zoysia lawns in the Triangle have seen a good growing season this summer. They have had plenty of rain to keep them spreading into thick luscious lawns, not to mention the heat they seem to like. I spent most of my weekends on Lake Gaston, where I renovated a lawn from Tall Fescue
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Aeration Season for Tall Fescue Lawns
Aeration season is just around the corner for Tall Fescue lawns! Thankfully, the rains have kept most lawns in great shape; considering most lawns are normally burnt out this time of year. Please keep your lawn in mind as we need to start scheduling our fall aeration services. Early birds may be eligible to receive
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