Tall Fescue Lawns Update
Wow! These lawns just keep growing and looking good for this time of year. We are happy to have seen the rains and somewhat lowered temperatures to keep Tall Fescue in shape. We plan on beginning our aeration season on time, as the ground will be soft, in early September. Football season is also starting,
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We Use Eco-Friendly & No Emissions Equipment – Landscaping
Have we mentioned that we continue to use eco-friendly and NO Emissions equipment??! In fact, we are one of the ONLY landscaping and lawn care companies in the Triangle that offer these services. We utilize lithium-ion powered hedge trimmers, which prove to be better performing than the gas counterpart, as well as, electric powered sprayers
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Aeration Season for Tall Fescue Lawns
Aeration season is just around the corner for Tall Fescue lawns! Thankfully, the rains have kept most lawns in great shape; considering most lawns are normally burnt out this time of year. Please keep your lawn in mind as we need to start scheduling our fall aeration services. Early birds may be eligible to receive
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Turf Diseases Continue
With the continuing fluctuation in high temperatures and humidity’s, we can still see a potential for a lot of damaging turf diseases, which will spread and possibly kill your lawn. Again, if you see any donut shaped rings or browning splatter marks on your lawn, please let us know so we can treat the diseases
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Our New Website – Capital City Groundskeeping Raleigh lawn care and landscaping
Check out our new Capital City Groundskeeping website! This is an exciting new chapter in our web development, as we look to expand into social media and develop a more intuitive website that can be accessed from any device. We now offer videos on our services and have included more services to meet the demands
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Preventing Lawn Disease
Lawn Diseases are quickly spreading due to the humidity and heat! Act fast to have your lawn treated for Brown Patch and Pythium, as preventative control works much more effectively than once you already have an infestation. We offer 3 yearly treatments, each one month apart starting now in early June. Once an infestation of
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