Weed Control Update- Raleigh Landscaping and Lawn Care
Raleigh Weed Control Update for September 2014 – Raleigh Landscaping and lawn care This has been a tough year for weeds in the Raleigh area. Our weather has been so wet this year that we have worn off our lawn pre-emergents from the spring. This allows crabgrass and basically any seed that wants to germinate,
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Landscaping in Raleigh a Challenge with Weather – Landscaping and Lawn Care Raleigh
Welcome to Raleigh’s yet again, wacky weather patterns. This year landscaping and lawn care in Raleigh and the Triangle region in general is about a month off track. We have completed our first round of lawn mowings and the lawns have finally started to green up well,with slowly rising soil temperatures and a nice dose
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Fall fertilization and upkeep of Bermuda / Zoysia | Raleigh Aeration, Raleigh Landscaping and Raleigh Lawn Care
Bermuda and Zoysia lawns can be a challenge to keep disease free and weed free into the fall and winter months. Now is the time to apply a good fungicide to keep large patch from occurring in early spring. Large Patch disease remains ‘dormant’ looking after spring green up, but is actually dead. Along with
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Freezing Weather Tips | Raleigh Lawn Care
When we see cold weather in the Triangle, I like to tell people to think of your lawn like a golf course, and not walk on the frozen grass. Preventing additional stresses can cause damage in the spring when your lawn is trying to green up. Also, when the grass is wet and dormant, you
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Over-seeded Ryegrass | Raleigh Lawn Care
Some clients ask us about over-seeding their Bermuda lawns with rye grass. This is typically done on some golf courses and athletic fields. It has become more popular with home lawns as you get to enjoy a green year-round lawn. Although beautiful, it can be a real challenge to over-seed and professional assistance is recommended,
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Get Growing with Fall Lawn Care Tips!- Aeration Raleigh
This fall it is a must to aerate, seed and fertilize your lawn for a complete lawn renovation. Aeration using a starter fertilizer is a must to jump start the lawn again and get the new seedlings to germinate. The much needed phosphorous is fed slowly to the roots and the new grass to provide
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