It’s Not Too Late To Aerate!
If you lawn needs to be seeded and aerated, it’s not too late to aerate! With this warm weather, we are still seeing warm soil temperatures too, which means we expect to be aerating up until November 7th. Remember, aerating season in the fall is the BEST time to renovate your lawn to get it
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Record setting October? | Raleigh Lawn Care
We are seeing high temperatures again this October. Last fall and winter were very mild and here we are continuing to see highs in the mid 80′ this week. The leaves are falling now but still not as heavy as they typically do by this time of year. As the trees begin to plaster your lawn with
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CCG September Update – Raleigh Lawn Care
Lawn care has been a challenge for all this summer here in Raleigh! The heat continues to persist as we now enter mid September and rain is pounding the triangle almost everyday. This creates high humidity and favorable conditions for turf diseases. We are anxious for cooling as we now start our aeration and re-seeding
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August 2012 Rain Update- Raleigh Lawn care and Landscaping
Raleigh Lawn Care and Landscaping Professionals The Rains have been keeping the soils very moist throughout the Triangle this past week. Crabgrass and sedges are at their worst growing and spreading rapidly to make a freshly cut lawn look shaggy within 3-5 days. We are finishing our spraying routes so we can allow for the
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Turf Diseases Continue
With the continuing fluctuation in high temperatures and humidity’s, we can still see a potential for a lot of damaging turf diseases, which will spread and possibly kill your lawn. Again, if you see any donut shaped rings or browning splatter marks on your lawn, please let us know so we can treat the diseases
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