New Methods of Controlling Weeds During Seeding | Raleigh Aeration and Raleigh Landscaping
As if weeds and crabgrass haven’t been bad enough this year, the rain and heat have fostered them to continue to keep popping up. During aeration and seeding, you only want the new grass to grow, thus stopping other weed competition is key to early success. We offer one of few treatments to rid crabgrass and weeds
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Current Events with Lawn Care! Raleigh Aeration, Raleigh Landscaping and Raleigh Lawncare
By now you are probably getting irritated that your lawn has seen better days. Your pre-emergent weed controls have worn off and you see more and more weeds with all this crazy rain we’ve had this year. Our CCG team of turf professionals is here to spray your lawn free of weeds and crabgrass. In
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Fall Aeration is Approaching | Raleigh Aeration and Raleigh Landscaping
Fall Aeration is Approaching Aeration season is approaching, your lawn may still be looking decent after this year’s rain and cooler summer temperatures but aeration can fix your bad areas and improve your overall turf health. Aeration should be performed yearly in the fall, on cool season turf. Aeration decreases soil compaction, allowing roots to
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Soil Moisture Relationship in a Sandy and Clayey Soil | University Research | Raleigh Lawn Care
By Ryan Walsh | Student, North Carolina State University Introduction Many factors are important for plant growth but one of the most critical factors is the availability of soil moisture. Unavailable water is water held at wilting point, it is mostly hygroscopic water held too tightly within micropores. Available water is water held at field
- Published in University Research

Environmental Quality | University Research | Raleigh Lawn Care
By Ryan Walsh | Student, North Carolina State University Many factors effect drainage from turfgrass. Soil slope plays a role in how the excess water will run off the land and the rate at which it will run off. A factor that can restrict run off or leachate is the turfgrass cover. Turfgrass that is
- Published in University Research

CCG September Update – Raleigh Lawn Care
Lawn care has been a challenge for all this summer here in Raleigh! The heat continues to persist as we now enter mid September and rain is pounding the triangle almost everyday. This creates high humidity and favorable conditions for turf diseases. We are anxious for cooling as we now start our aeration and re-seeding
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