Got Weeds? | Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
With our professional applications and first treatments of the year, we can have your lawn back in tip top shape fast! We start by applying a pre-emergent with fertilizer that greens up your lawn within days and follow up with a liquid spray treatment that is fast and effective in wiping out all of your
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What’s up with Pre-Emergents? Raleigh Lawn Care and Raleigh Landscaping
Pre-emergent in conjunction with fertilizer in the spring is probably the single most important application(s) of the year to your lawn. In fact, we actually apply it twice, once in late February and once in April because it is such a big deal to your lawn. The pre-emergent ingredient can consist of: (barricade, stonewall, dimension,
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Be Green with CCG | Raleigh Lawn Care
Did you know that fertilizer runoff can severely pollute our waters and cause environmental damage if not applied correctly? This is not to say that fertilizers are bad but they must be applied with the environment in mind after proper analysis of the soil and plant’s nutrient needs. With a fertilizer program from CCG, you
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Winterizing your Lawn | Raleigh Lawn Care
If you aerated and seeded your Raleigh lawn, then now is the time to begin winterizing your lawn. Our fertilization program consists of a final fertilizer of the year, which we call our winterizer. It is high in Phosphorous and designed to keep your roots healthy throughout the winter, as well as, keep your lawn
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Over-seeded Ryegrass | Raleigh Lawn Care
Some clients ask us about over-seeding their Bermuda lawns with rye grass. This is typically done on some golf courses and athletic fields. It has become more popular with home lawns as you get to enjoy a green year-round lawn. Although beautiful, it can be a real challenge to over-seed and professional assistance is recommended,
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GIE + EXPO Convention – Lawn Care & Landscaping
Our trip to Louisville, KY for the GIE + EXPO, the largest trade show of the green industry, was fun and eventful! We were able to explore and all demo all of the major brands in our industry, evaluating user-friendly innovations, productivity, and efficiencies. Lawn Care is a changing world today as we look into
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